On Tuesday, October 12, 2021, from 7:30-8:30 am via Zoom [or in the Ministry Offices at Christ the King (2699 Peachtree Road NE) if COVID has subsided], BELIEVES will hold a session on “How do I best use my time every day to actively be spiritual? Am I actively using daily prayer to help me find answers?” featuring Sister Mary Priniski, Executive Director, Aquinas Center at Emory University; and Madison Spain, Retreat Leader, CTK Welcome 1.
Bring a friend, come early for Mass at 6:45 AM that day, and then stay for networking and this exciting discussion. You won’t want to miss being a part of this.
BELIEVES, a once-a-month speaker series ministry, promotes dialogue around integrating faith in the work life for both business men and business women.
The nominal $10 registration fee for the event can be paid online when you register, or at the door. The fee covers the cost of the event and has provided funding to support CRHP (Christ Renews His Parish) scholarships in the past, and now Cristo Rey Jesuit High School in Downtown Atlanta.
Question/comments? Contact Andrew Schoppe, [email protected]
To register online in advance, go to: http://www.cathedralctk.com/believes
– Atlanta VP, major global investment firm